Via Miglioli 2/A
20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio MI
Milan - Italy

Tel. +39 02 9538 3833
Fax +39 02 9538 3832


Corporate Headquarters: Intertek Group Plc.
Date of establishment: 1880
Total number of employees: over 38.000
Date of establishment in Italy: 1984
Number of employees in Italy: over 250
Local Units in Italy: Gessate (MI), Campoformido (UD), Scandicci (FI), Castel Maggiore (BO), Taranto (TA)
Labs in Italy: Campoformido (UD), Scandicci (FI)

Intertek Italia S.p.A. is part of Intertek Group Plc, one of the leading quality solutions providers for testing, inspection and certification, listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2002.

From auditing and inspection, to testing, training, advisory, quality assurance and certification, Intertek adds value to products, processes and assets. With a network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 38,000 people in more than 100 countries, Intertek supports companies' success in a global marketplace.

Through our broad range of services, we help our clients to reduce their products time-to-market, improve efficiency and minimize costs, protecting their reputation and developing trusted brands.

Whether your business is local or global, we can ensure your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world.

In Italy since 1984, we cooperate with local and global business, international companies as well as medium-small size ones, including manufactures, EPC, trading companies and retailers.

Services we provide:

::: Business process audit and support services, including accredited third-party management systems auditing and certification, second-party supplier auditing and sustainability data verification;
::: Electrical and electronic product testing and certification to prove conformity to safety, performance, environmental and quality requirements for every market, global or local;
::: Testing and certification of products intended for potentially explosive atmospheres;
::: Quality and quantity inspection and testing services to the Global Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry;
::: Through our technical inspection, expediting and site construction supervision services we help clients to manage risk and optimize returns within the Oil & Gas, Renewables, Power, Nuclear, Mining, Construction, Engineering and Chemical Industries;
::: Consultancy and regulatory support for chemical sector;
::: Inspection services to reduce the risks associated with commodity trading, by monitoring the quality and quantity of cargo from source to destination;
::: Trade services to exporters and importers, governments, customs departments and industrial companies, including: Conformity Assessment Programmes for Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Botswana, Russia & Customs Union, India (used machinery), Philippines; Production Checks (Quantity, Quality, Packing, Marking); Loading/Unloading supervision; Certificate of Inspection for payment against Letter of Credit; Pre-shipment inspections;
::: Testing, inspection and training services to retailers, brands and manufacturers of textiles, apparel, fashion accessories, footwear and home textiles products, including chemical testing;

Intertek Academy
We share our expertise through an extensive array of Intertek Academy trainings, helping our clients and their supply chains understand regulatory requirements, improve their business processes, and meet customer demands.

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