SQS Italian Branch

SQS Italian Branch


Head office Italy: Galleria del Corso, 4 20122 Milan

Registered office: Piazzale Biancamano 2, 20121 Milan

Phone: +39 0283965115

Website: www.sqs.it

E-mail: milano@sqs.it

Headquarter: Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS) - Bernstrasse 103, 3052 Zollikofen (CH)

Date of establishment: 1983

Total number of employees: over 500

Number of employees in Italy: over 100

Total number of certifications: over 11.000

Number of certifications in Italy: over 3.000

SQS Italian Branch is the Italian headquarters of SQS - Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems – a non-profit, neutral and independent association, founded in Bern over 35 years ago by the industrial associations and institutions in Switzerland to meet the need for an independent institution that confirmed the quality of Swiss products in the world. One of the world’s first companies in this field, today SQS is the Swiss leader for certification and evaluation services, a founding member of IQNet and participates in the various technical panels of the ISO committees.

SQS was born to be a premium institution offering top quality services, provided by extremely qualified and prepared Lead Auditors, characterized by an operational, constructive and never bureaucratic approach and able to pass their multiple experiences and a true culture of quality on to the customer. “Auditors, not evaluators” is the motto of our men.

The SQS Italian Branch operates throughout the national and international territory, for companies of all sizes and for most of the industrial and services sectors and for the third sector.

Moreover, through the SQS CAMPUS Business Unit, SQS provides training courses of the highest profile with a catalogue that covers 9 areas of specialization and offers over 50 remote and
face-to-face courses. The teachers are exclusively the SQS Auditors with the greater in-field experience, united by a didactic approach based on concreteness and on the operational application of case studies. SQS CAMPUS also offers customized courses based on the specific needs of the customers, both in-house or remotely.

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